Sunday, November 23, 2014

How green I am

I think that people learn about environmental friendly practices in their house, in the school and by the means of communication –like many things that people learn. Other way to know about it is by talking to the friends, like in my case; my university classmates teaches me how to make an Ecobrick, by example. I learn the importance of being ecofriendly in the school too, because since I was a child my professors talked to me about the importance of don´t throw garbage on the floor and the importance of the small actions. Years later I learn in the subjects ‘Technologist Education’ and ‘English’ about recycling.
Today I’m making an Ecobrick with wrappers, and I use the public transport or ride my bike to go to the University or other places. In spite of it, in many occasions my dad takes me to the places by car. I know that attitude isn’t ecofriendly, but I’m usually late and he’s so kind to me. By other side, I think that I have to recycle more and take less time at the shower. Also, I try to buy things with a minor carbon print that other similar products, and I want to do this more.   

Finally, I think that Santiago is a city in which the ecofriendly education is poor. I don’t know how the Education Ministry plans are actually, but I really hope it to teach about the importance of don’t littering, recycle and produce a small carbon print. I think that it’ll have to be included in the national TV too. 

The English and me

I began with the English classes at Universidad de Chile in 2012, and I think that it helps me to practice that language. This, because I had to talk in English with my classmates and write the blog, learning a little about pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. It really helps me because I worked in my self-confidence about talking in English.
By the way, I have to get better in my accent and especially in my vocabulary. I want to improve this things by listening to music, watching movies and talking with people in this language. Also, I’m thinking about going to reunions of people interested in improve their English at pubs in the next year.
Outside of the English Class I’ve been learning English since I was a child, in a slow way. When I was eight I began playing videogames with a lot of texts in that language, and I learned many things. In the school I had classes too, but Final Fantasy VII was more important to my English in that period that it. Hahaha. The classes became more important later, and helps so much to my grammar because I had to write many texts. Other important precedent to my English was my travel to Bolivia, in which me and my friends made Canadian and French partners; I practiced my talked English with them.
By other side, I usually don’t practice my English in big way. I talk to myself sometimes, especially when I’m talking the dog out.  I read texts in this language to the University and watch movies in and series in English too. I really want to improve it because I want to have a master in Anthropology in issues that are not touch in Chile, and because I’ll go with my sister to Europe next year and I think that know how to talk in English will help me a lot.

It is my last post, I hope. Hahaha. Thank you for reading me, blesses for all of you!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Summary of my year

The 2014 has been special for me, because I mature a lot. Last year, since I entered to the University, I learned so much, and this year the reflections that I made in 2013 and also in the first months of this year, became into actions and attitudes that made me felt so well. In this sense, I have been working with a political group in my University, had dates and go to many places. Hahaha.

In this way, I did many interesting travels. I went to Bolivia with friends by auto-stop, and it was great. The places were beautiful, I share with lovely people and we had lot of adventures. By other side, I went to an Anthropology Congress in Valdivia with my classmates and friends. It was a good experience because I learnt thought and discussed about the discipline. Also, I overnight in beautiful house of a student of Universidad Austral, Pastora, that became my friend in the same way that Llicel, a classmate that was my roommate in this occasion. Pastora’s house is in crag of Niebla, a beautiful place where you can always hear the waves, see the herbages and feel, in the morning, the mist.

By other side, I went in the winter holydays with my group of friends to Pía’s grandmother house in Pichidangui; I really loved the experience because I really love my friends. Also, this last semester I have been working in a proyect with friends of my carrer about the problems that fishers of a village of Región del Maule have with the law.  We went to this place in September, and it was a great experience. We have become very close friends.

Finally, is important to say that I and my family moved to live to a beautiful apartment; I’m really happy about that. Also, that I met sweet people, became closer to certain friends and continue with a good relation with my family. Usually, I don’t see the bad side of the things: I have make mistakes, but I’m always learning. I never know what will happened, but I can act the way I like and do the best of me. And, the year ins’t over -there’s many things that can happened and that I can do.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

My favorite author

Hi my friends! Today I will talk about different important thinks to me, that converge in a name: María. 

Since I was kid I love to imagine stories. Since I was a teenager, I love to write: my ideas, my feelings. Create a particular and huge world by words, in wich my mind and my heart can talk. And, in 2011, I read a book that I really loved: full of passion, full of elegance, full of privacy. I felt that the author was similar to my; I had never found someone like her. Reading María Luisa Bombal, I felt rained woods inside my chest. 

Borned in June of 1910 in a aristocrat chilean famliy, M. L. Bombal was a intense women. She went to meetings only for men to talk about literature, she wrote of the feelings and sexuality of the females of ther time and  shooted  the man she loved once time. Years ago I met a guy that was friend of María in her last years. When I asked to him about her, the first thing he said was: 'A very depressive women'. 

The books write by María have a surrealist erotism and prose; a beautiful, elegant and precise prose. I really love her. The worlds she creates: the Chilean south, full of humidity and shadows, the place where people expose common feelings and thoughts; sometimes, like everyone in certain moments, their reflections full of wisdom.

My writing style is similar to her, today. I treat to make surrealist scenes, in which common but deep people suddenly appear, and move displaying their intimate world. I like to think that I’m like a more political inclinaded nephew of her.

Friday, September 26, 2014

My future work

Hi! Today I will talk about the job that I'd like to have in the future.
I want to work as independent or like a foundation employer with LGTBI communities or groups in social risk with the objective of contribute to solve their necessities; also, to learn about their life and prove social theories.  In this sense, as the social anthropologist that I want to be I'd like to work a time in the year in field and later indoor, analyzing the information and making the reports or something similar. The idea of stay moving between different spaces is exciting; I really want to stay months or years in a community in Chile’s south, by example, and later come to my office and think and write.

Also, I really like to write narrative. In this sense, I think the field’s work and the tools that Anthropology gives will let me know in profundity certain communities and problems I`d like to write about in future. I`ll want to publish my books, and may realize cultural management or studies about lierature.

In other way, I'd like to teach in  universities, schools or in another instances.

Actually, I don’t sure about how kind of major I will study at the future, but I think that something about qualitative methodology, gender studies of poststructuralism.  Also, I want to work alone sometimes and, in other moments, in projects about problems of my interest with social scientist and/or other professionals. I have so passionate and smart friends studying my career and others relate, and I think that together we can do great things.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cultural Shock

Most of  humans live and grew up  with other humans in small or big comunities, like tribes or cities. All of these groups have  a particular lenguage and folklor, and specifically  relations with the environment and customs .In brief, different ways of live;  the  Antropology uses the concept 'culture' to refer to that. Is important to say that in one society you can fin many cultures, for example the specifically of the old or young people of the same comunity  or the case of urban tribes

In this way, when a person has a change of social ambient has many problems: the costums and the relation between the people are different; also, many times the lenguage was different too. It is called 'culture shock'.

For example, when I traveled to Bolivia last summer I felt that I was in a really different place. I arrived at La Paz, that has an urban pattern so different in comparation of Santiago. Also, the people bought and sold so many things in the street and drive the cars so quickly. Days later, I found more differences between Bolivia and Chile, like the variety of lenguajes that people talk, like quechua or another dialects. Also, the people were more shy, use a mix between typicall clothes and things that people use here in Santiago, has different customs about the hygienic; many chilean people that I knew may have problems with it, I think. I'm tolerant and no demanding, but in the personal case I had problems to find vegetarian food.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Final Fantasy Distant Worlds Tour

In the tauru's month's of 2014 I had one of the most beutiful experiences of my hole life.  In company of my childhood friend, Pablo, I went  to a concert of Final Fantasy's orchesta: the soundtrack of my favorites video games ever. Music composed by the japanesse Nobuo Umeatsu, of   beutiful stories of many rol player games that made me felt and learn many things,  played in that ocassion by the Universidad of Santiago orchesta.

The atmpsphere was unique: many fans, expectants. People I felt was similar to me: their clothes, their gestures, their expressions. I felt in home. Also, because of the absence of sales of the concert tickets, Pablo and me were at the front line. And the music began.

It was so special to me. I played final fantasy games alone in my house; I only talked about it and played with Pablo and other friend. I had so intimate memories, and in this moment I heard a orchesta playing to mine. I cried. I imagined and rememberd. I was so so happy. And so many people felt like me; I wasn't alone.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Anthopology and me

I arrived to this carreer looking for knowledge about the people and society. Also, I wanted to work at National Geographic and travel a lot in the future. Altough I knew that many anthropologists work in this organization, and I had talked with a professional of this field that had worked in other areas, I didn`t know very well what  Anthropolgy was.
But, for years I wanted to study at the Universidad de Chile,  It was really my dream. Also, I liked Gómez Millas and the people that studied here.
I  had the idea of working at Nat Geo, and I was faithfull about knowing more about the Anthropology and finding other ways to continue studing this career.

The time has passed by, and I don't think the same way. Now I understand what Anthropology is, and what I can do with the knowledge and tools that the study brings me. Also, my idea about the workers of the discipline has changed, and now I feel more certain about what I want to do in my life. In this way, I want to work with LGTB communities in the future. I want to work with them to make them and I feel happier, and to contribute to make this world a fair place Also,  life is long, and I think  working with communities in social risk and teaching in a University I will be happy too. Finally, I have the idea of going to work with a kawésqar population near to Puerto Natales some time in the future.
May Nat Geo ideas are not so far of my mine yet. Hahaha.

Friday, August 22, 2014

A respectful place with cold and bears

Few year’s ago I met a friend who lived and study in a boarding school in Canada: the lonliness, the bears; the cold weather. Also, he told me about the great experience of meeting so many people from different countries. All of them lived in Toronto, a good place.

I would like to visit Canada, and Toronto in especific. I really like the geography, the weather and the ecosystem of the country; also, the Canadians idiosyncrasy, especifically of people of Toronto. I have read articles that talks about how cosmpolitan Toronto is:  only the 11.3 percent of the population of this city is Canadian Descendant, while the other persons are from North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, etc. (Canadian Census, 2011). Also, the LGBT —lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are treated as anybody else in that place: they can marriage, and have no problems to live their life.

The Torontians are nice and respectful, told me my friend, and I’d like to have the experience of live a time whith them in this especial place. There, have postgraduate studies in Anthropology or Micro-Sociology in Toronto’s University, I whish. Also, in the city are too many bohemian life, and others things to do: museums, an aquarium. Living there I could move to other places of the country and visit the natural parks, and enjoy.