Friday, September 26, 2014

My future work

Hi! Today I will talk about the job that I'd like to have in the future.
I want to work as independent or like a foundation employer with LGTBI communities or groups in social risk with the objective of contribute to solve their necessities; also, to learn about their life and prove social theories.  In this sense, as the social anthropologist that I want to be I'd like to work a time in the year in field and later indoor, analyzing the information and making the reports or something similar. The idea of stay moving between different spaces is exciting; I really want to stay months or years in a community in Chile’s south, by example, and later come to my office and think and write.

Also, I really like to write narrative. In this sense, I think the field’s work and the tools that Anthropology gives will let me know in profundity certain communities and problems I`d like to write about in future. I`ll want to publish my books, and may realize cultural management or studies about lierature.

In other way, I'd like to teach in  universities, schools or in another instances.

Actually, I don’t sure about how kind of major I will study at the future, but I think that something about qualitative methodology, gender studies of poststructuralism.  Also, I want to work alone sometimes and, in other moments, in projects about problems of my interest with social scientist and/or other professionals. I have so passionate and smart friends studying my career and others relate, and I think that together we can do great things.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cultural Shock

Most of  humans live and grew up  with other humans in small or big comunities, like tribes or cities. All of these groups have  a particular lenguage and folklor, and specifically  relations with the environment and customs .In brief, different ways of live;  the  Antropology uses the concept 'culture' to refer to that. Is important to say that in one society you can fin many cultures, for example the specifically of the old or young people of the same comunity  or the case of urban tribes

In this way, when a person has a change of social ambient has many problems: the costums and the relation between the people are different; also, many times the lenguage was different too. It is called 'culture shock'.

For example, when I traveled to Bolivia last summer I felt that I was in a really different place. I arrived at La Paz, that has an urban pattern so different in comparation of Santiago. Also, the people bought and sold so many things in the street and drive the cars so quickly. Days later, I found more differences between Bolivia and Chile, like the variety of lenguajes that people talk, like quechua or another dialects. Also, the people were more shy, use a mix between typicall clothes and things that people use here in Santiago, has different customs about the hygienic; many chilean people that I knew may have problems with it, I think. I'm tolerant and no demanding, but in the personal case I had problems to find vegetarian food.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Final Fantasy Distant Worlds Tour

In the tauru's month's of 2014 I had one of the most beutiful experiences of my hole life.  In company of my childhood friend, Pablo, I went  to a concert of Final Fantasy's orchesta: the soundtrack of my favorites video games ever. Music composed by the japanesse Nobuo Umeatsu, of   beutiful stories of many rol player games that made me felt and learn many things,  played in that ocassion by the Universidad of Santiago orchesta.

The atmpsphere was unique: many fans, expectants. People I felt was similar to me: their clothes, their gestures, their expressions. I felt in home. Also, because of the absence of sales of the concert tickets, Pablo and me were at the front line. And the music began.

It was so special to me. I played final fantasy games alone in my house; I only talked about it and played with Pablo and other friend. I had so intimate memories, and in this moment I heard a orchesta playing to mine. I cried. I imagined and rememberd. I was so so happy. And so many people felt like me; I wasn't alone.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Anthopology and me

I arrived to this carreer looking for knowledge about the people and society. Also, I wanted to work at National Geographic and travel a lot in the future. Altough I knew that many anthropologists work in this organization, and I had talked with a professional of this field that had worked in other areas, I didn`t know very well what  Anthropolgy was.
But, for years I wanted to study at the Universidad de Chile,  It was really my dream. Also, I liked Gómez Millas and the people that studied here.
I  had the idea of working at Nat Geo, and I was faithfull about knowing more about the Anthropology and finding other ways to continue studing this career.

The time has passed by, and I don't think the same way. Now I understand what Anthropology is, and what I can do with the knowledge and tools that the study brings me. Also, my idea about the workers of the discipline has changed, and now I feel more certain about what I want to do in my life. In this way, I want to work with LGTB communities in the future. I want to work with them to make them and I feel happier, and to contribute to make this world a fair place Also,  life is long, and I think  working with communities in social risk and teaching in a University I will be happy too. Finally, I have the idea of going to work with a kawésqar population near to Puerto Natales some time in the future.
May Nat Geo ideas are not so far of my mine yet. Hahaha.